The city of Milan would need anyway a reserve, emergency stadium in the case of massive renovation or possible future damage of the San Siro monument. During the construction of the reserve stadium, the plans for the renovation would be completed, and in 2021 the project could start. Until 2024-5, it would be finished, and in 2026 the city of Milan (rather than celebrate its 100 years by flushing the water after it in the toilet) would celebrate the centenary of the new renovated masterpiece. If the restoration program is done right, it would look better than the SoFi stadium in Los Angeles. While SoFi costs more than 4 billion $, the whole San Siro complex would cost less than 1 billion (The restoration of the stadium would cost around 500 million $).

The organization of the whole project around the monument would have a much greater impact than around a new, common, mediocre stadium with no significance for the citizens and the history of their city.

Reno James Engineering 4900 West 29th Avenue in Denver, Colorado 80212. Engineering 4900 West 29th Avenue in Denver, Colorado 80212.

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